News code: 467
Release date : Tuesday 24 May 2016 - 23:15

Iran’s Fifth National Congress on Medicinal Plants Was Held

Iran’s Fifth National Congress on Medicinal Plants Was Held

The 5th National Congress on Medicinal Plants was held in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences on Wednesday and Thursday, 18th and 19th of May 2016.

The 5th National Congress on Medicinal Plants was held in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences on Wednesday and Thursday, 18th and 19th of May 2016.

This congress which is held annually by the National Network of Research and Technology in Medicinal Plants, is considered the biggest medicinal plants’ scientific and specialized event in the country.

Iran’s four previous  National Congresses on Medicinal Plants were held in Kish Island (2012), Tehran’s Shahid Beheshti University (2013), Mashhad’s Ferdowsi University (2014), and Razi International Conference Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (2015), repectively.

In the opening ceremony of the 5th National Congress on Medicinal Plants, the scientific secretary of the congress, said, “963 papers were sent to the secretariat of this congress, 735 papers were accepted after refereeing. Also, in an exhibition, about 20 companies presented their products to the visitors. The topics of the 5th National Congress on Medicinal Plants were mainly, basic sciences, agriculture and natural resources, pharmacy, medicine and veterinary, industry and economy.”

According to the secretariat of the National Network of Science and Technology in Medicinal Plants, the sixth National Congress on Medicinal Plants will be held in Tehran on May 17th and 18th, 2017.


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