News code: 815
Release date : Sunday 16 September 2018 - 11:27

More than 125 Knowledge-based Companies are Active in the Field of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine

More than 125 Knowledge-based Companies are Active in the Field of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine

The secretary of Technical Workgroup on Technology and Entrepreneurship stated that in the last festival held in that regard, 2 thousand 400 products were presented.

According to a report by Educational News Network on Medicinal Plants, the radio program called “Scientific Talk”, attended by Ali Ebrahimi, the adviser to the National Council for Science and Technology Development of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine, was broadcast. In this program, the latest achievements of this council were discussed.

Referring to Iran’s plant variety and its unique place in the botanical geography of the world, Ali Ebrahimi started by saying, “Based on the research carried out, we have over 8000 plant species in Iran, 2400 of which are medicinal, aromatic and herbal as well as those used for cosmetic purposes. Therefore, we have a great potential in the field of medicinal plants, especially due to the fact that these plants have a prominent position in industry as well as employment.”

He added, “Fortunately, some compelling incidents have taken place in recent years; in Iran’s Scientific Comprehensive Plan, medicinal plants are placed among top priorities, which means over 100 scientists have been working so hard to elevate medicinal plants position. Furthermore, Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine Document has been passed by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, and in doing so some considerable services have been offered by the council.

Considering the fact that the council consists of several organizations, institutes and ministries, the adviser to the National Council for Science and Technology Development of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine said, “All the organizations in this council participate, and the council’s task is to coordinate between them as well as to manage all the potentials into practicalities.”

He went on to say,”According to the Perspective Document, Vice-presidency for Science and Technology is determined to bring together medicinal plants and technology, and based on the transparent clauses of the Document, it is the Vice-presidency’s main responsibility to endeavor in knowledge management, in which we have greatly  succeeded.”

The secretary of Technical Workgroup on Technology and Entrepreneurship mentioned the preparation of a road map, then added, “About seven years ago, when we did not have the council yet, Science and Practice Festivals were held, at that time we only set up a few booths; however, this year we have held three national festivals on medicinal plants and traditional medicine.”

On the issue of market for medicinal plants and traditional medicine, he indicated, “At the moment, 125 knowledge-based companies are active in this field. Moreover, in the last festival held in this regard, 2400 products were presented. The number of private companies have risen dramatically from 200 to 489, that together with the growth of techno-markets represent the fact that medicinal plants and traditional medicine are being increasingly acknowledged in our society.”


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